- Psychiatrie et Facebook : illustration de l'utilisation des sites sociaux au lendemain d'un trauma, Christophe F. Herbert, Alain Brunet, Dans L'information psychiatrique 2010/9 (Volume 86);
- Psychometric validation of the English and French versions of the posttraumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)
AR Ashbaugh, S Houle-Johnson, C Herbert, W El-Hage, A Brunet
PloS one 11 (10), e0161645
- The decision to vaccinate or not during the H1N1 pandemic: selecting the lesser of two evils?
AR Ashbaugh, CF Herbert, E Saimon, N Azoulay, L Olivera-Figueroa, ...
PLoS One 8 (3), e58852
- The impact of internet coverage of the March 2011 Japan earthquake on sleep and posttraumatic stress symptoms: an international perspective
E Bui, RF Rodgers, C Herbert, DL Franko, NM Simon, P Birmes, A Brunet
American journal of psychiatry 169 (2), 221-222
- Disordered eating following exposure to television and internet coverage of the March 2011 Japan earthquake
RF Rodgers, DL Franko, A Brunet, CF Herbert, E Bui
International Journal of Eating Disorders 45 (7), 845-849
- A new frontier: Trauma research on the Internet
A Ashbaugh, CF Herbert, B Lisa D., A Brunet
The Internet in the aftermath of trauma
- Social networking sites in the aftermath of trauma
CF Herbert, A Brunet
Internet use in the aftermath of trauma, 85-96
- Psychiatrie et Facebook: Illustration de l'utilisation des sites sociaux au lendemain d'un trauma
CF Herbert, A Brunet
Information Psychiatrique 86 (9)
- Internet use in the aftermath of trauma
A Brunet, AR Ashbaugh, CF Herbert
Ios Press
- Reparation and recovery in the aftermath of widespread violence: Traditional Justice, Restorative Justice and Mental Health
C Herbert, C Rioux, JAM Wemmers
Reparation for Victims of Crimes Against Humanity: The Healing Role of …
- Un groupe de parole pour auteurs de violences conjugales
CF Herbert, S Le Gal
Journal International De Victimologie 4 (4)
- Datasets for paper entitled" Psychometric Validation of the English and French Versions of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5"
A Ashbaugh, S Houle-Johnson, C Herbert, W El-Hage, A Brunet
- Internet Use in the Aftermath of Trauma
AR Ashbaugh, A Brunet, CF Herbert
- Faire de la recherche en santé avec Internet
CF Herbert, A Ashbaugh, B Lisa D., A Brunet
Internet et santé : comprendre les pratiques, cerner les enjeux
- Internet et la relation soignants-soignés
CF Herbert, A Brunet
Internet et santé : comprendre les pratiques, cerner les enjeux
- Targeting Traumatic Stress Via the Internet: What's Next?
J Mouthaan, C Lewis, N Kassam-Adams, JI Ruzek, C Herbert
- Creation and Evaluation of a University eCourse Related to PTSD
CF Herbert, A Brunet
- Psychiatry and Facebook: how to use social networking sites after a trauma
CF Herbert, A Brunet
L'Information Psychiatrique 86 (9), 745-752
- L’envers du crime : la victimologie
CF Herbert
Journal International De Victimologie 4 (1)
- L’envers du crime selon Micheline Baril
CF Herbert
L’aide aux victimes : 20 ans après